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lucky dip
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
lucky dip
▪ A good lucky dip, to please the sixes and upwards.
▪ The pundits dip haphazardly into the lucky dip.
lucky dip

n. 1 A game in which prizes are covered up and mixed together in a container, so that contestants can dip their hand into the container and randomly pull out a prize. 2 (context by extension idiomatic figuratively English) A selection solely at random.

lucky dip
  1. n. a game in which prizes (e.g., candies or coins) are concealed in a container and for a small sum a player can draw one out at random

  2. a selection or decision purely at random; "their system of hiring people seemed to be a sort of lucky dip"

Usage examples of "lucky dip".

The inside of the crate seemed at first to be stuffed with nothing but yellowed newspapers, but Grandmaster Harrat smiled to himself as he burrowed through it like a child at a lucky dip.

Instead, a thin hand, fingers extended like the claws of a funhouse lucky dip crane, had reached over to grasp him by the hair and raise him up, the pressure immense, the fingertips against his scalp icy cold.

At the far edge of the field, a small pink shape sat alone behind the Lucky Dip.

But there was no avoiding or denying the stone-cold fact that the rest were a lucky dip of sorts.

Of all the buildings that I would deeply love to blow up in Britain - the Maples building in Harrogate, the Hilton Hotel in London, the Post Office building in Leeds, a lucky dip among almost any structure owned by British Telecom -1 have no hesitation in saying that my first choice would be either of these two.

At today's gold price it would be a healthy lucky dip for any crewman who might spot it.

Strewn round on the half-acre of parquet was a vast amount of wood shavings, white and curly, and arranged carefully on a low table beside him were the first trophies out of the lucky dip, appearing to me to be dull chunks of rock.

Common justice required that she should, and presently the unpacking turned into a kind of lucky dip, each fishing in strict turn and calling or even shrieking out the name of the catch - sauce tureen, small ladle, large ladle, side-dish, cover, a monstrous epergne and so down to the scores of plates, -big and little - until the tables overflowed and there was nowhere to tread without crushing straw or shavings into the carpet, to say nothing of tissue paper and jeweller's cotton, and the place looked like an idealized bandito's lair.

We hadn't been introduced, but she seemed to think I would do as well as anyone else to talk to about the rag-doll she had won in the Lucky Dip, and she rather spread herself on the topic.

The next thing out of the lucky dip was a roll of papers held by a rubber band.

Now that it was resting on its back, Martin would have to put his hand inside it like a lucky dip.

Roll-a-Penny, Lucky Dip, Bobbing for Piranhas, that sort of thing.